His current research focus is on the applications of integrated process-based hydrologic models and remote sensing approaches to describe groundwater-surface water interactions and the associated processes, especially changes in land surface processes, and assessing their possible impacts on the eco-hydrology over the Heihe River Basin of China as well as other arid and semi-arid regions.
He has published 30+ papers with total google scholar citations 500+.
🔖 News
- 2024.06: 🔥 His google scholar citations had exceeded 500.
- 2024.05: ✋ The 3rd article about ParFlow-CLM application in the HRB was published (JH).
- 2023.04: 👌 The 2nd article about ParFlow-CLM application in the mHRB was published (AWR).
- 2023.12: 🎉 His google scholar citations had exceeded 400.
- 2023.05: ✌ The 1st article about ParFlow-CLM application in the HRB was published (IEEE JSTARS).
- 2023.03: 👍 Series of benchmarking cases assessing integrated hydrologic model was release (Land).
💻 Skills
📚 Publications
📜 SCI articles

Zheng Lu, Jiaxing Wei, Xiaofan Yang
- An integrated hydrologic model was built over a large endorheic river basin.
- Groundwater dynamics and land surface processes were simulated.
- Various settings of subsurface hydraulic conductivity (K) were configured.
- The water table critical range (0.1–5 m) area rises by 4.5 % with K heterogeneity.
- K heterogeneity increases water table variability and decreases land energy fluxes variability.

Effects of Microtopography on Patterns and Dynamics of Groundwater–Surface Water Interactions
Zheng Lu, Xiaofan Yang
- An integrated groundwater–surface water model is developed in an agricultural region.
- Microtopography plays a pivotal role in the determination of groundwater patterns.
- Ignoring microtopography causes overestimation of groundwater response times.
- The filtration of signals is impacted by the hydrologic controls of microtopography.
- Microtopography is a pre-requisite for accurately quantifying non-zero exchange fluxes.

Zheng Lu, Yuan He, Shuyan Peng
- This work includes a series of benchmarking cases to assess integrated hydrologic models.

Zheng Lu, Yuan He, Shuyan Peng, Xiaofan Yang
- This work systematically validates ten soil moisture (SM) products, including four single-source RS SM, three merged SM, and three assimilated SM products.

Zheng Lu, Linna Chai, Shaomin Liu, Huizhen Cui, Yanghua Zhang, Lingmei Jiang, Rui Jin, Ziwei Xu
- This work built a nonlinear auto-regressive neural network with exogenous input (NARXnn) to retrieve time series soil moisture (SM) that is spatially and temporally continuous and high quality over the Heihe River Basin.
RS 2024
A Hybrid Model Coupling Physical Constraints and Machine Learning to Estimate Daily Evapotranspiration in the Heihe River Basin, Xiang Li, Feihu Xue, Jianli Ding, Tongren Xu, Lisheng Song, Zijie Pang, Jinjie Wang, Ziwei Xu, Yanfei Ma, Zheng Lu, Dongxing Wu, Jiaxing Wei, Xinlei He, Yuan ZhangJHM 2024
Geochemical properties, heavy metals and soil microbial community during revegetation process in a production Pb-Zn tailings, Xiaocui Wen, Jiawei Zhou, Siyan Zheng, Zhangwei Yang, Zheng Lu, Xueqin Jiang, Lingzhi Zhao, Bo Yan, Xiaofan Yang, Tao ChenEP 2023
A critical review on the migration and transformation processes of heavy metal contamination in lead-zinc tailings of China, Tao Chen, Xiaocui Wen, Jiawei Zhou, Zheng Lu, Xueying Li, Bo YanJWEIA 2023
CFD Simulations for Airflow around Ground-mounted Photovoltaic Panel Arrays, Jingbo Sun, Yuan He, Xueying Li, Zheng Lu, Xiaofan YangRS 2022
Applying a Wavelet Transform Technique to Optimize General Fitting Models for SM Analysis: A Case Study in Downscaling over the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, Zixuan Hu, Linna Chai, Wade T Crow, Shaomin Liu, Zhongli Zhu, Ji Zhou, Yuquan Qu, Jin Liu, Shiqi Yang, Zheng LuWR 2022
Water clarity mapping of global lakes using a novel hybrid deep-learning-based recurrent model with Landsat OLI images, Yuan He, Zheng Lu, Weijia Wang, Dong Zhang, Yunlin Zhang, Boqiang Qin, Kun Shi, Xiaofan YangHJ 2021
Diagnosing the subsurface buffer on ground-surface temperature under long-term groundwater pumping: effects of the bottom boundary condition placement, Chen Yang, Tingting Zheng, Kun Huang, Zheng Lu, You-Kuan Zhang, Xiaofan YangRSE 2021
Uncertainty analysis of eleven multisource soil moisture products in the third pole environment based on the three-corned hat method, Jin Liu, Linna Chai, Jianzhi Dong, Donghai Zheng, J-P Wigneron, Shaomin Liu, Ji Zhou, Tongren Xu, Shiqi Yang, Yongze Song, Yuquan Qu, Zheng Lu-
JH 2021
Inter-comparison of several soil moisture downscaling methods over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, Yuquan Qu, Zhongli Zhu, Carsten Montzka, Linna Chai, Shaomin Liu, Yong Ge, Jin Liu, Zheng Lu, Xinlei He, Jie Zheng, Tian Han JGS 2019
The impact of land use and cover change on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen storage in the Heihe River Basin: A meta-analysis, Jinhui Tong, Jinhua Hu, Zheng Lu, Haoran Sun, Xiaofan YangRS 2019
Evaluation of SMAP, SMOS-IC, FY3B, JAXA, and LPRM Soil moisture products over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Its surrounding areas, Jin Liu, Linna Chai, Zheng Lu, Shaomin Liu, Yuquan Qu, Deyuan Geng, Yongze Song, Yabing Guan, Zhixia Guo, Jian Wang, Zhongli ZhuRS 2019
Rebuilding a microwave soil moisture product using random forest adopting AMSR-E/AMSR2 brightness temperature and SMAP over the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China, Yuquan Qu, Zhongli Zhu, Linna Chai, Shaomin Liu, Carsten Montzka, Jin Liu, Xiaofan Yang, Zheng Lu, Rui Jin, Xiang Li, Zhixia Guo, Jie ZhengJGR:A 2018
Intercomparison of six upscaling evapotranspiration methods: From site to the satellite pixel, Xiang Li, Shaomin Liu, Huaixiang Li, Yanfei Ma, Jianghao Wang, Yuan Zhang, Ziwei Xu, Tongren Xu, Lisheng Song, Xiaofan Yang, Zheng Lu, Zeyu Wang, Zhixia GuoJGR:A 2017
Evaluation and analysis of AMSR‐2, SMOS, and SMAP soil moisture products in the Genhe area of China, Huizhen Cui, Lingmei Jiang, Jinyang Du, Shaojie Zhao, Gongxue Wang, Zheng Lu, Jian Wang
📃 EI Proceeding
Validation of Five Passive Microwave Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Products over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, Jin Liu, Linna Chai, Zheng Lu, Yuquan Qu, Jian Wang, Shiqi YangIGARSS 2017
Improvement on soil freeze/thaw discriminant algorithm under complex surface conditions in cold regions, Wenxing Hu, Linna Chai, Shaojie Zhao, Tianjie Zhao, Zheng LuIGARSS 2017
Improvement and validation of QP model with dual-channel soil moisture retrieval algorithm in Genhe, China, Huizhen Cui, Lingmei Jiang, Zheng Lu, Gongxue Wang, Jian WangLPS 2016
Validation/Calibration of SMOS L2 Soil Moisture in Crop Area, Eastern China, Huizhen Cui, Lingmei Jiang, Na Yang, Zheng LuIGARSS 2016
Validation of SMOS soil moisture production in the Heihe River Basin of China, Zheng Lu, Linna Chai, Tao Zhang, Huizhen Cui, Jian Wang, Wanjing LiIGARSS 2016
Downscaling microwave brightness temperatures from FY3B/MWRI with a linear unmixing method, Xiaojing Liu, Lingmei Jiang, Gongxue Wang, Zheng LuIGARSS 2016
Assessment of QP model based two channel algorithm with JAXA, LPRM soil moisture products over Genhe area in China, Huizhen Cui, Lingmei Jiang, Jinyang Du, Gongxue Wang, Zheng LuPIERS 2016
Using a linear unmixing method to improve passive microwave snow depth retrieval, Xiaojing Liu, Lingmei Jiang, Gongxue Wang, Zheng LuIGARSS 2015
Reconstruction of time-series soil moisture from AMSR2 and SMOS data by using recurrent nonlinear autoregressive neural networks, Zheng Lu, Linna Chai, Qinyu Ye, Tao Zhang
📄 Others
MODFLOW & More 2024
An integrated hydrologic modeling testbed in the Heihe River Basin, Xiaofan Yang, Zheng Lu, Tao Chen, Yuan He, Guangrong HuE&ES 2024
Reconstruction of Porous Media Microstructure Via X-ray Computed Tomography and Generative Adversarial Networks, Xueying Li, Zheng Lu, Yuan He, Xiaofan YangRST&A 2020
Estimating soil moisture in the middle and upper reaches of the Heihe River Basin based on AMSR2 multi-brightness temperature, Zheng Lu, Menglei Han, Hui Lu, Xueting Peng, Shasha Meng, Jin Liu, Xiaofan YangAGU 2018
Hydrological Model Intercomparison: Subsurface Flow and Reactive Transport Simulation in the Oasis-Desert Interaction Zone, Zheng Lu, Jinhui Tong, Chen Yang, Tao Che, Xiaofan Yang, Shaomin LiuMODFLOW & More 2019
Integrated surface water-groundwater model intercomparison: From benchmarking to beyond, Zheng Lu, Chen Yang, Tao Che, Xiaofan Yang, Shaomin LiuRST&A 2017
Evaluation of AMSR2 Retrievals Using Observation of Soil Moisture Network in the Upper and Middle Reaches of Heihe River Basin, Zheng Lu, Linna Chai,Tao Zhang,Huizhen Cui,Wanjing LiIWQRSHLS 2016
Validation of AMSR2 soil moisture product using observation of soil moisture network over the Heihe River Basin in China, Zheng Lu, Linna Chai, Tao Zhang, Huizhen Cui, Yichi ZhangIWQRSHLS 2016
Application of recurrent nonlinear autoregressive neural network for time-series soil moisture estimation over the Heihe River Basin, Zheng Lu, Linna Chai, Tao Zhang, Lingmei Jiang, Xiaojing LiuIWQRSHLS 2016
Towards Thermal Inertia Model Derived Soil Moisture, Upscaling, and Validation, Huizhen Cui, Lingmei Jiang, Shuang Yan, Zheng LuIWQRSHLS 2016
Analysis of spatial-temporal change of soil moisture in northeastern China based on AMSR2 and SMOS products, Zhen Li, Xiaomeng Wang, Wanjing Li, Zheng Lu, Huizhen Cui, Lingmei Jiang
🎙 Oral Reports
- Impacts of surface microtopography, subsurface heterogeneity and agricultural activities on simulating regional hydrological processes. AGU Fall Meeting 2022, 12-16 December 2022, Chicago, Illinois, USA, online. Bibcode: 2022AGUFM.H35A..05L. | [video]
- Evaluating the Impacts of Subsurface Heterogeneity on Integrated Groundwater-Surface Water Modeling: A Case Study in the Heihe River Basin. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, 9-13 December 2019, San Francisco, California, USA. Bibcode: 2019AGUFM.H44C..03L.
🎖 Honors and Awards
- 2024.01 Academic Innovation Award of Beijing Normal University
- 2021.12 Honorable Graduate Student Fellowship of No.2 Middle School Attached to SDNU
- 2021.10 Poster Award, International Workshop on Smart Ocean and Comprehensive Utilization
- 2020.12 Top Scholarship Award, Beijing Normal University
- 2020.11 Outstanding Teaching Assistant
- 2019.12 Second-class Scholarship Award, Postgraduate Academic Competition
- 2018.07 Excellent Contribution to the Tsjnghua-MIT Joint Workshop
- 2016.07 Excellent Contribution to the Tsjnghua-MIT Joint Workshop
- 2012.05 Outstanding Student Prize, Control Survey Skills Competition
📖 Educations
- 2018.10 - 2024.06, Ph.D., School of Natural Resources, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
- 2013.09 - 2016.06, M.S., Cartography and Geography Information System, School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
- 2009.09 - 2016.06, B.S., Geomatics, School of Geomatics, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China
🏫 Working and Teaching Activities
- 2020.01 - 2020.07, Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
- 2016.07 - 2018.07, Research Secretary, State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Beijing, China
- 30+ peer-reviewed publications in international journals or books